Senja Residences Near to Bukit Panjang MRT and LRT Station at Bukit Panjang Plaza and the West Mall
In Bukit Panjang, you can find a 99-year leasehold development known as Senja Residences. This mixed-use development features 2 basements and a swimming pool. The amenities included in this development are luxurious. Other amenities include a tennis court, a gym, and a reading room. The prices for these apartments are affordable, so you’ll be able to afford to buy one. The location is also very convenient, so you can enjoy all the amenities without paying too much for them. The development is also called Senja Close EC.
This high-end development is located in Bukit Panjang. It is located next to the Hillion Mall and is connected to the MRT and bus interchange. The project features five-star amenities and features and offers its residents the chance to live in a stylish home with all the latest amenities. There are 546 units across three blocks. The development also has a gym and fitness stations. In addition, Senja Residences has a cascading swimming pool.
Residents will have convenient access to the city’s public transportation. The Senja Residences is directly connected to Bukit Panjang MRT and LRT stations. In addition, the development is near a mall, which will provide tenants with ample opportunities …